I printed out this list of values < http://www.stevepavlina.com/articles/list-of-values.htm> and every 3-7 days, depending on how long it takes to master the value, I will pull one out of a box and then fully embrace that value. So ask yourself, "what do you Value"?
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
This weeks values is vigor. When I think of being vigorous I think of zest and whole hearted energy.its like being bold and a leader and growing with passion.I'm excited to see how we can been more vigorous people together .
Friday, March 15, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
start in the morning
- Freshen up with a tingly lemon shower gel. If you can bear it, switch the water on to cold just before you finish showering for an ultra-invigorating start to your day.
- 2Wash your hair while in the shower. Take time to massage your scalp with your fingertips. It's a great pick-me-up.
- 3Eat some breakfast - it really is the most important meal of the day and gives you the energy you need to get going. Try wholewheat toast and a glass of orange juice, or a bowl of unsweetened muesli with a chopped banana and yogurt.
- 4Try this simple deep-breathing exercise to increase your energy levels. Lie on your back, supporting your head with a cushion, and place your hands on your tummy. Shut your eyes and concentrate on expanding your tummy as you breathe in, and flattening it as you breathe out. Continue for 5 minutes.
- 5Your body needs lots of fresh air and daylight, so take a brisk 10 minute walk at some point in the day and drink plenty of water to refresh yourself.
- 6Put on the spritz with a fresh-smelling body spray. It will lift your spirits and make you smell great too.
- 7Gently pinch your cheeks to give them a red glow that will make you look instantly healthier.
- 8Lie down and place a cold tea bag over each eye for 5 minutes. There is an ingredient called 'tannin' in tea, which reduces puffiness in your eyes and makes them look brighter.
- 9Peppermint oil on one's feet, or even just a few whiffs of it, is an excellent refresher.
steps to be perky
- Posture is always important. Make sure to always stand up straight and never to slouch. Always be lively and bouncing to avoid standing still too much.
- 2Smile. Always have a smile plastered to your face, no matter how bad you really feel. Lively and perky people aren't frowning all the time. If you find it hard to smile, don't force it! Just think about something funny or something that makes you happy. Soon enough, you will be smiling and everybody around you will realize just how perky you are.
- 3Consider becoming a cheerleader or gymnast. In most cases, all cheerleaders and gymnasts are known for their perky personalities.
- 4Make sure you always get enough sleep. You cannot be perky if you're half asleep or grumpy with bags under your eyes. Remember to maintain a good sleeping habit, and always get at least 8 hours of sleep.
- 5Exercise. Healthy and fit people are perky people. This is because they are confident and healthy, so are just naturally perky and always act perky.
- 6Diet. Stick to healthy foods to keep you healthy inside and out. Always remember to eat the right amount and the right types of foods. You cannot act perky on an empty stomach, or a fat belly either.
- 7Moisturize. In any case, you want to have smooth, shiny and happy skin. If you are perky with dry or peeling skin, this won't have any positive effects and you will certainly not be perky. So always remember to keep your skin happy and have that perky face.
- 8Attitude. Maintain a perky, confident and happy attitude and you will be known for it.
- 9Water. Always stay hydrated and drink lots of water. 6 - 8 glasses a day is recommended, and this is extremely good for your skin. This doesn't apply to just being perky, but it does help you to appear perky and feel perky.
- 10Overall, just relax and have fun! Remember to stay true to who you are and never change yourself for someone.
Wear makeup, especially foundation and brightening eye makeup. Everyone, male or female, benefits from a little concealer under the eyes.
Find makeup colors that look natural with slightly pink and warm accents. Practice taking pictures with a camera flash to make sure you don't look like a ghost.
Walk quickly with a slight bounce to your step. Do so in fabulous, open-toed heels.
Respond to everything other people say, even if you paraphrase what they just said back to them. Always act engaged and affirming.
Act tirelessly interested in other people, and downplay your own needs and problems.
Use perky body language. Lean slightly towards people during conversations, and occasionally touch their arms while smiling in agreement. Flick your head back slightly when laughing or chuckling.
Drink espresso. Sing a cheerful song aloud. Constantly smile.
Read more: How to Act Perky | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2078829_act-perky.html#ixzz2NTErGPtn
Value 3:Perkiness
This weeks value is perkiness. I personally think this is hilarious and I am just going to try and act like a ditz all the time. One thing I will say is that even if you are just pretending to be in a good mood, very friendly and sociable after awhile you may start to believe it.
Monday, March 4, 2013
steps to being composed.
One of the first things I am going to do to help with being composed is to start doing deep yoga everyday and see if that helps my overall composure during the day. I have an interview tomorrow and alot to execute tonight, also a big event coming up so I feel my composure will be challenged this week and we can see how it goes.
Composure and Leadership
Composure is an important trait for a leader. To have composure is to not panic in the face of danger and not to over worry over grim situations. The ability to think things through without any psychological factors that can skew the thinking process defines a true leader.
A composed mind is obtained through reasoning with the mind. The mind is your best and worst enemy for the mind is influenced by either positive or negative thoughts. That is why the mind can either be very fragile for some and very strong for others.
Through positive thoughts, being optimistic and having a strong will, you will find composure within. Surrounding yourself with good friends creates positive thoughts. Thinking that the future holds hope and dreams is being optimistic. Being challenged thoroughly in all aspects of life gives you a strong will.
To have composure is to be self possessed and having the ability to sort things out. With it, you will not be shaken over anything psychological of physical. The power of composure is realized when a composed leader faces a grim situation. The ability to think, plan and inspire in any given situation marks a true leader.
Our natural temptation when something goes wrong is to panic. It’s almost a built in instinct, but it doesn’t serve us well at all. In fact when we panic our breathing becomes shallower and we start to take actions out of fear. As a result we get in too much of a hurry and end up making poor decisions. Breathing is actually a great place to start because deep breaths calm our nerves and quiet the mind. If you’ve ever listened to any guided meditation tape, you’ll notice that they almost always start with some sort of breathing exercise. Spend 10 minutes taking deep breaths and you’ll notice that your nerves calm quite a bit.
Ask Yourself What’s Possible
I found that this one simple question can dramatically change your interpretation of every experience. When you ask yourself the question what’s possible as opposed to how am I going to get out of this mess, a world of potential options open up to you. Those options are usually significantly better and ultimately you’ll find yourself in a better off place than you might have expected from being dealt a bad hand.
The way we use words has tremendous power. The minute you label something a problem or challenge, your actions align accordingly. However, if we label something an opportunity, we tend to take a completely different and much more productive set of actions. When we can reframe a situation we change the results that the situation will ultimately produce. The book The Three Laws of Performance had a great quote that I think really summed up this point well:
“As you label an object or situation, so you behave towards it.”
Think 5 Years Ahead
Do you remember something terrible that happened to you five years ago that seemed like a really big deal at the time? Maybe you broke up with somebody. Maybe you lost ajob. At the time when it happened it seemed like a really big deal. But when you look back at things that happened 5 years ago they often don’t seem like such a big deal. If we take our current problems and challenges and look at what their impact might be 5 years from now all of a sudden they start to lose the power they’ve had over us.
We live in an age where it’s possible to be connected 24-7. You can search for a job for 24 hours a day if you wanted to (even though it’s a poor use of time). You can check your email all day long looking for the next catastrophe to occur in your inbox. You can worry endlessly about everything that could go wrong. Or you can simply unplug. For me unplugging means going to the beach and surfing for a few hours. I find that a few hours in the water not only gives me a fresh perspective on things, it calms my mind. Find any activity that forces you to be completely present and you’ll be amazed at just how much it will do for you mentally.
Do the Thing You’ve Been Putting Off
We tend to put things on hold quite a bit. If we purchase a self help program, we’ll often let it sit on our hard drives for months before ever going through it. We say to ourselves we’ll start that new exercise habit tomorrow and never end up starting at all. Doing that one thing that you’ve been holding off on will give you an opportunity to refocus your efforts on something that’s actually productive.
If I told you that you’ll always get great cards, and everything will be perfect I would be lying to you. Life is full of uncertainty, and the higher of a tolerance you develop for it, the better off you will be. Once you develop the ability to weather the storm, you’ll sail through the world with flying colors.
Definition of COMPOSURE
: a calmness or repose especially of mind, bearing, or appearance
I am very excited today is the start of a new week and a new value. To wrap up last week I feel like I did pretty fair with self control. I took a personal self control quiz and I received a 70% self control capability and learned it really comes down to will power and self. I feel as though self control is something I will continue to try and implement daily and that is more important than I thought or at least it should be. I have one of those personalities where people are unhappy with themselves or think that they are not good enough. So I feel that the values I pull keep being very appropriate and then new value this week composure is something most of us definitely lose on a daily basis.
Friday, March 1, 2013
This has some pretty good info and examples on self control
This has some pretty good info and examples on self control
Day 4
The hardest thing I have realized about self control is discipline and that you have to be your own boss. Try this: look at your life as a business that you have invested all your time and money in, because really that is what you are, you are the figure head (the boss) of the business of you. You determine how successful you are, whether or not things get done on time, the quality of your establishment, the way you make exchanges with other people, it is all up to you. So now pretend that you obviously have employees in different sectors, except those employees are also different sides of you. You know the things that need to get done , you know where you want your company to be in a year but how can you get there if you keep letting the head of education, the head of physical fitness, the head of social connections slack off on the job. If it really mattered to you as the boss you would fire all those poor feelings and negative attitudes.You need to be the boss and know that the only person who loses by trying to outsmart yourself is you.
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